It's a life full of charm

It's a Life Full of Charm

Hi all! Welcome to the blog of Devishi Aggarwal. Devishi Aggarwal is a school student and is 12 yrs old. I believe that life is like a rainbow in which we get to live all the colors. Life is something which has beauty and up-downs. One must live it to the fullest and for that must have great interests.

My Personal Interests

I as a growing teen has a wide range of interests. There are a great number of things which I love doing and enjoy heaps doing them. They provide       pleasure, freedom from boredom and a great sense of learning. 
Some of my fun tasks have been listed below-
  • The most precious thing, my life's biggest love is the love of literature. Literature is one the things I really enjoy. It gives me great pleasure and helps in improving English skills. I really enjoy to write stories, articles, speeches, travelogues etc. Literature can be linked to life as each and every element of life  has a story to tell and owns a deeper meaning. I relish reading the works of famous writers and authors.It really helps in improving my own skills.
"Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary."
My Literature Works
  1. Big Trouble in Wonderlands- Takes the readers to a world of imagination where there is a big trouble and the only hope left are 4 brave and majestic warriors.
  2. Blast in Japan- Follows the journey of an 11 year old who goes on an exciting journey to Japan with her family.
  3. The Maiden with the Red Journal- Showcases the life of a young maiden living in a distant land with her family. The maiden faces a great range of difficulties in helping the poor peasants and turning their life into a heaven but never gives up.
  4. The Savior of Culture- Follows the life of young Malischa who falls in love with diverse culture of her country and wants to cross all the heights in order to make Indian culture spread all over the world.
  • One of the great time pass of my life is dancing. It is a thing which acts like an exercise and helps us to stay fit. It opens our body and is the inner language of our soul. My favorite dance forms are Bharatnatyam and Kathak. I enjoy surfing the internet and learning classical dances with the help of videos.
My Favorite Dance Learning Videos
"Dance isn't just a dance. It's magical, something which sets you free" 

  • One of my key interests is listening to poetry. It really fills the mind with rhythm and frees it from all sorts of dullness and tiredness. Listening to the the poetry of great poets is really charming. I have great fun in finding out the summaries of the poems and writing them in my own language. My one of the most favorite poem is Satpura ke Ghane Jungle by Bhawani Prasad Mishra.
  "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thoughts and thoughts have found words"

  • Colouring is an activity which really savors and delights me. It helps me in making my own color combinations and understanding our colorful world. I really like filling colors in pictures.It gives me great fun and a medium to improve my coloring style.  

To the left is a picture of flamingos which I had painted at the age of 9.

"Coloring is an activity which helps in passing the time and filling the life with beautiful colors"

A new opportunity

2 months ago I got to be a part of the PMUN simulation (Presidium Model United Nations) in which I got a golden to raise my voice in front of the executive board as the delegate of Sweden. It was my first ever simulation. I felt great joy when I learnt about the criteria of United Nations. I got to know the way of delivering General Speeches in the United Nations General Assembly. It was a completely new experience and the first of the high ladder to the United Nations. I wish that I get to improve my performance and climb high up in this long series of stairs.


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